Social status of a person through the prism of West Germanic and East Slavic phraseology



Ключові слова:

phraseological unit, cultural linguistics, contrastive analysis, multilingual picture of the world, name, social status, assessment.


The article deals with the determination of linguistic and cultural specificity of phraseological units (PhU) with a proper name component for denoting social status in West Germanic and East Slavic languages by comparing their vocabulary semantics. In domestic and foreign linguistics there has been a tendency to study the peculiarities of nominations of selected fragments of the world in different languages, which were reflected in phraseological units with a proper name component. Comparative studies of these phrasemes play an important role in the representation of archetypal conceptions of different ethnic cultures. In this sense, it is timely to identify culturally marked components of their semantics, which is related to the general orientation of modern linguistic studies to the explication of the links between language and culture, language and society. The research is based on the use of general scientific (the inductive analysis, the descriptive method) and special linguistic (the comparative method, the method of component analysis) methods that enabled a holistic analysis of the material. Phrasemes that include names form a significant layer of phraseological vocabulary stock of English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages. These linguistic units are distinguished by a variety of semantic meanings, have different expressive-emotional and assessed meanings, which reflect a person's social status in society, family relationships and professional activities. Thus, this study of PhU with a proper name component for denoting the social status of a person made it possible to identify linguistic and cultural features and also to systematize the isomorphic and allomorphic meanings of phrasemes of Ukrainian, Russian, German and English languages.


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