

Ключові слова:

interactive book, disrupted communication, e-devices, author and reader, Max Kidruk


A person's cultural potential, an individual ability to perceive and understand the signs of cultureare mainly related to lifelong learning. It includes some integral parts such as literature and reading.However, a new generation of people with "electronic consciousness" has emerged lately. Individualscreate their own information space via computers, tablets, cell phones and different gadgets. Atraditional book is taking a secondary position. It makes us mention about a total disruption ofcommunication between author and reader. Literature is losing its sacred value being unable tocompete with visual culture products. Nowadays this problem can be solved with an interactive bookthat remains an edition in its usual form. It represents a paper medium related to a game usingtablets or smartphones. They provide an interaction with book elements. In this respect, it leads todesigning new reality where any reader is capable to communicate both with an author andcharacters. Max Kidruk offered his readers an unusual book. It has the interactive application. Owingto this option itself we can enjoy a story about a girl Ruth who changes reality. In addition we areable to visualize places where events develop and read the heroine's diary. The author doesn't onlyentertain his readers, but also draws their attention to vital social issues in the game form. Heproposes to analyze family detachment, domestic violence, teenage abortions, suicides and selforiented aggression caused by alcohol.

Біографії авторів

O. O. Yurchuk, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

Doctor of Philology (Ukrainian Literature), Associate Professor

O. V. Chaplinska, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science


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Korzhyk N. (2018). Interaktyvnaknyha yak suchasnyi vydavnychyiproduct [Interactive Book as a ModernPublishing Product]. Visnyk KhDAK. №53. S. 49–58. [in Ukrainian].

Yefimova M. (2013). Interaktyvnadytiacha knyha v Ukraini: stanovlenniata perspektyvy [Interactive Children'sBook in Ukraine: Formations andProspects]. Naukovi zapyskyRivnenskoho derzhavnohohumanitarnoho universytetu. № 19. S.259–263. [in Ukrainian].

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Maks Kidruk Ya stvoriuiu tiistorii, yaki b sam chytav i kupuvav [Icreate the stories that I would read andbuy myself]. URL: (datazvernennia: 02.02.2020). [in Ukrainian].

Yurchuk O. (2019). Ne/paralelnisvity v romani Maksa Kidruka "Neozyraisia i movchy" [No / ParallelWorlds in Makas Kidruk 's novel "Don'tLook Back and Don’t Speak"].Dyvoslovo. №1. S. 58-61. [inUkrainian].

Kidruk M. (2019). Doky svitlo nezghasne nazavzhdy [Until the light goesoff forever]. Kharkiv: Knyzhkovyi Klub"Klub Simeinoho Dozvillia", 2019. 560s. [in Ukrainian].




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